How to Publish Your Book on Amazon Kindle
I received a request about how to self-publish a book through Amazon Kindle. There are two ways: The first way is to simply do it yourself through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing website where you can independently publish with Kindle Direct Publishing. It's quick and you can market your book fast. Publishing takes up to 5 minutes and your book will appear on Kindle stores worldwide within 48 hours. You could make more money and earn up to 70% royalty on sales to customers in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, India, France, Italy, Spain, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, Australia and more. However, you will have to do it yourself. That includes making sure your format is the way you want it and so on.
To make things easier, I recommend iUniverse which is a self-publishing company for book writers. One of the services iUniverse offers is making books that are available in their thousands of online resellers. This also includes Amazon in paperback and eBook. Therefore, iUniverse will do most of the legwork for you.
Digital Formatting and Distribution (eBook)
When your book is formatted into an eBook, it can be downloaded to a digital device that allows the buyer to adjust the font size for readability. iUniverse will format and submit your ePub file for the Amazon Kindle, Sony® Reader, Barnes & Noble nookTM, Kobo Books, Google Play Books, and iBooks Store* which is available on the iPhone and iPad application.
iUniverse will make sure to make the formatting of your ePub edition looks just like your print edition. However, some design elements of your print book may not be supported in the ePub format. iUniverse is not responsible for making any changes to the design of your ePub edition.
If you are interested in this service, you can buy it by selecting one of the publishing packages on their website that includes it and individual image files inside your book cannot be larger than 10 MB.
In order to meet submission standards, you must review your manuscript thoroughly to check for spelling and correct rendering of any diacritical mark such as caret, tilde, acute accent, etc.
Unfortunately, books written in languages other than English or Spanish are not submitted to iBooks Store due to Apple formatting restrictions. However, iUniverse is trying to amend this.
Other Author Services
iUniverse offers a variety of the professional services just like any traditional publishing house. These services include editorial, design, production, marketing and publicity. This publishing company is different from other self-publishing companies as their services are developed and managed by industry veterans.
iUniverse team will work with you by incorporating your photos, graphics, sketches and ideas—to create a professional book cover that beautifully represents your book's contents.
My Thoughts
I have seen the quality of this company’s service through my aunt’s book called Poetic Praise by Claudette Scott. She wrote her book in 2000 and iUniverse did a marvelous job helping her chose her book cover and helping her format her book. My aunt hired her two best friends to edit her book even though she is an excellent writer. Both friends were professional teachers. I suggest finding people that you are close to and have them edit your book for you. This is a lot cheaper and you can give your friends recognition by acknowledging them in your book. Here is a link to my aunt's book as an example. Click Here
If you're interested in self-publishing your book and getting it in Amazon Kindle format, click here!
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